100 Questions to Congratulations or Consultation

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N/A (0)Strongly Disagree (1)Disagree (2)Neutral (3)Agree (4)Strongly Agree (5)
1. Are your hourly wage rates based on a Desired Community Position (DCP) of the 75% percentile?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
2. Are your management salaries based on a DCP of the 75% percentile?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
3. Are your employee turnover rates at an appropriate level for success?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
4. Is employee turnover managed as a KPI?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
5. Does management have a bonus objective based on employee retention?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
6. Do you manage salary and wage rates based on minimum, midpoint, and maximum criteria?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
7. Do you have job descriptions for all positions?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
8. Do you administer performance appraisals on an annual or semi-annual basis?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
9. Does your performance appraisal process include salary reviews?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
10. Do you have a Human Resource plan that includes an annual or semi-annual assessment and skills development?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
11. Are individual managers evaluated on a “Promotable, Keep or Other” standard in terms of leadership development?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
12. Do individual managers have access to management development plans that identify areas for improvement with suggestive courses that must be completed over a six-month period?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
13. Are employee attitude surveys conducted with organizational feedback in the criteria?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
14. Does your top HR executive sit in on all business-oriented committees?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
15. Is employee diversity a top area of concern?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
16. Do women and minorities hold positions in management consistent with the demographics of the Designated Market Areas (DMAs) where the organization does business?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
17. Can you discuss a “closed-loop” approach to HR to show that your organization has adequate processes in place for recruiting, interviewing, selection, on-boarding, training, development, promotion, and termination?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
18. Is the HR executive’s bonus based on the performance of Operations?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
19. Do you have a sexual harassment policy?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
20. Do you have an anti-discrimination policy?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
21. Is People Development a criterion for management bonuses?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
22. Are health and safety procedures in place?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
23. Does your organization have a tuition reimbursement program?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
24. Does your organization have a profit-sharing program for employees?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
25. Does your organization conduct exit interviews?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
26. Does your organization have a competitive benefits plan for employees?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
27. Does your organization have a Paid Time Off policy for employees?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
28. Have you developed a social impact metric key performance indicator (KPI) for your company?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
29. Have you developed an environmental impact metric for your company?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
30. Have you defined a practical plan for collecting the data necessary to report on impact KPIs?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
N/A (0)Strongly Disagree (1)Disagree (2)Neutral (3)Agree (4)Strongly Agree (5)
31. Does your organization have processes where you develop knowledge to get to know your customers?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
32. Does your organization have a process in place, such as in part of an employee training program, to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
33. Is your Customer Service process defined, measured, analyzed, improved, and controlled?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
34. Is your customer satisfaction approach designed to exceed expectations of customers by attending to details?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
35. Has your organization developed an environment known for exceeding customers’ expectations?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
36. Does the organization have a customer satisfaction KPI?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
37. Is management incentivized based on customer satisfaction KPI?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
38. Do you have a customer satisfaction committee that meets on a regular basis to discuss how your company can provide a higher level of customer satisfaction?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
39. Are a few of your customers invited to participate in your customer satisfaction committee meetings?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
40. Are you satisfied with your level of customer retention?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
41. Does your organization market your customer satisfaction results in your advertisements?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
N/A (0)Strongly Disagree (1)Disagree (2)Neutral (3)Agree (4)Strongly Agree (5)
42. Do your track your marketing activities to determine the effectiveness of each approach?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
43. Do you have a marketing plan that includes allocated dollars that are tracked and monitored?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
44. Does Operations have direct input to your marketing plans?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
45. Does Operations have a challenge process to planned marketing plans?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
46. Does Finance have a process to challenge marketing plans?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
47. Are marketing plans based on growth goals and objectives?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
48. Are marketing plans based on profitability?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
49. Are marketing plans based on product mix?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
50. Are “Devil’s Advocate” teams established to challenge marketing plans?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
51. Are post-mortem reviews conducted to evaluate the results of your marketing tactics?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
52. Do social media tactics make up the principal amount of your marketing budget?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
53. Do you use advertising/PR companies to augment your marketing plans?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
54. Do you evaluate your advertising or PR companies based on a post-buy analysis?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
55. Are advertising/PR companies challenged on their profit goals on work completed for your organization?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
56. Is your marketing department challenged to meet Year over Year (YoY) goals each year?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
57. Is marketing innovation a reasonable target for the marketing department?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
58. Can you list a recent marketing innovation implemented via marketing?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
59. Do you track Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI) as a KPI?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
60. Is Results to Plan a criterion for the marketing executive’s bonus?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
61. Is your website properly placed from a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) standpoint?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
62. Do you have an allocated PR budget?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
63. Do your marketing plans represent the diversity approach needed to be successful in today’s business environment?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
64. Does Marketing allocate marketing budgets based on a 5% or more revenue increase?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
N/A (0)Strongly Disagree (1)Disagree (2)Neutral (3)Agree (4)Strongly Agree (5)
65. Does your organization use profit building teams represented by a cross-section of employees from various departments?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
66. Is your organization familiar with Questions Brainstorming (QB) as a problem-solving tool to be used in the place of traditional brainstorming?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
67. Does management take part in financial reviews monthly and devise action plans for results improvement?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
68. Do Marketing and HR participate in monthly financial review meetings?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
69. Are Labor Management Systems (LMS) in place and tracked, monitored and followed-up on?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
70. Is overhead tracked and monitored?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
71. Are cost of goods sold percentage (COGS%) and cost of sales percentage (COS%) benchmarks in place and monitored?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
72. Are cost of labor percentages (COL%) and COS% used as KPIs?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
73. Are product cost analyses conducted on a regular basis?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
74. Are vendors evaluated for cost comparison on a regular basis?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
75. Are annual budgets developed and executed against?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
76. Are management performance reviews based on actual vs budget results?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
77. Does each manager have a chance to stand and deliver financial results monthly?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
78. Are new stores evaluated against planned results and executives held accountable?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
79. Are specific criteria used to project revenue targets on new stores based on “comparable and incremental” benchmarks?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
80. Is management presented with bonus awards based on new store, new location, or new building actual results after the fact?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
81. Is each line item on a Profit and Loss (P&L) statement reviewed and evaluated monthly to look for potential cost savings?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
82. Does each manager understand how to achieve the target level of profitability?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
83. Are employee benefits evaluated on a regular basis?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
84. Are strategic cost reduction exercises conducted annually?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
85. Are your prices reviewed on a regular basis to determine appropriateness?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
86. Is there team involvement when making price increase recommendations?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
87. Are management bonuses based on financial results?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
88. Are financial audits conducted throughout the organization?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
89. Would you describe your organization as a well-managed and financially controlled organization?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
90. Do you know your most profitable product or service?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
N/A (0)Strongly Disagree (1)Disagree (2)Neutral (3)Agree (4)Strongly Agree (5)
91. Does your organization have an IT manager/department?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
92. Does your organization use Human Resources Information System (HRIS) software?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
93. Are point of sales (POS) devices and reports actively used by management?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
94. Are IT systems regularly reviewed for opportunities to improve existing technology?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
95. Are company computers regularly reviewed and monitored to protect data from unauthorized access and bar other internal and external security threats?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
96. Are proper disaster recovery procedures in place?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
97. Is effective computer training regarding email, password protection and risk management skills in place?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
98. Does your organization maintain its own website?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
99. Does your organization maintain its own social media pages?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
100. Does your organization have a policy regarding the use of company computers?
N/A (0)
Strongly Disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)